The AbChess class creates an instance of an AbChess object. It provides an access to several methods. This class is mainly used to draw a chessboard and interact with it. The chess data are handled in a chessgame directly linked to the chessboard.
new AbChess(containerId, options)
Create an instance of the AbChess class. Define the id of the HTML element to contain the desired chessboard. An options object can be also used to configure the instance.
Parameter | |
containerId | String The id of the HTML container. |
options | Optional Object A configuration object. See options properties below. |
options | |
animated | Optional Boolean If set to false, disable the animations of the pieces. The default is true . |
animationSpeed | Optional Number The speed of the animated pieces. The default is 20 . |
clickable | Optional Boolean If set to true, the chess pieces will be movable with a two-clicks method. The default is true . |
coordinates | Optional Boolean If set to true, the chessboard will have a coordinates border. The default is true . |
draggable | Optional Boolean If set to true, the chess pieces will be movable with a drag-and-drop method. The default is true . |
imagesExtension | Optional String The extension of the chess pieces images. The default is ".png" . |
imagesPath | Optional String The path of the chess pieces images. The default is "images/wikipedia/" . |
legalMarksColor | Optional String The CSS color of the legal moves indications. The default is "cornflowerblue" . |
markCheck | Optional Boolean If set to true, highlight the square of the king when it is attacked. The default is true . |
markLastMove | Optional Boolean If set to true, highlight the start and arrival squares of the last piece movement. The default is true . |
markLegalSquares | Optional Boolean If set to true, highlight the legal squares after a piece has been selected. The default is true . |
markOverflownSquare | Optional Boolean If set to true, highlight the overflown square during a drag and drop operation. The default is true . |
markStartSquare | Optional Boolean If set to true, highlight the square of a piece when it is selected. The default is true . |
reversed | Optional Boolean If set to true, the chessboard will be oriented from black's point of view. The default is false . |
width | Optional Number The width of the chessboard in pixel. Multiples of 8 are recommended. The default is 400 . |
Return a character ("w"
for white or "b"
for black) indicating the active color in a position.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : String
See the onMovePlayed example.
Return the FEN string of a position in the game.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : String
See the getFEN example.
Return an information of the game. Seven informations should be present in a game : Event, Site, Date, Round, White, Black, Result. Some other ones can be added.
Parameter | |
name | String The name of the desired information. |
Return type : String
Return an array of the legal moves in a position.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : Object[]
See the random moves example.
Return an array of the moves stored in the game in PGN notation.
Parameter | |
symbols | Optional Boolean When set to true , the function will replace the pieces letters with HTML pieces symbols.
The default is false . |
Return type : String[]
See the PGN viewer example.
Return the PGN string of the current game.
Return type : String
Return true
if a position is a draw because of the 50 moves rule or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : Boolean
See the random moves example.
Return true
if the king of the active color is in check in a position or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : Boolean
See the onMovePlayed example.
Return true
if a position is a checkmate or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : Boolean
See the random moves example.
Return true
if the remaining material is insufficient to win a position or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : Boolean
See the random moves example.
isLegalMove(index, start, destination)
Return true
if a move is legal in a position or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
start | String The start coordinate of the move to check. |
destination | String The destination coordinate of the move to check. |
Return type : Boolean
Return true
if a position is a stalemate or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
Return type : Boolean
See the random moves example.
Return true
if a FEN string is valid or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
fen | String The Forsyth-Edwards Notation string to validate. |
Return type : Boolean
See the setFEN example.
Return true
if a PGN string is valid or false
if it's not.
Parameter | |
pgn | String The Portable Game Notation string to validate. |
Return type : Boolean
See the PGN viewer example.
Set a function to call each time after a move is played in the game.
Parameter | |
callback | Function The function to call after a move has been played. |
See the onMovePlayed example.
play(start, destination, promotion)
Play a move on the board.
Parameter | |
start | String The start coordinate of the move to play. |
destination | String The destination coordinate of the move to play. |
promotion | Optional String The promotion choice if needed. It will be ignored if the move is not a promotion. |
See the play example.
Create a new game and set the chessboard to the initial starting position.
Load a position on the chessboard from a FEN string. This does not affect the game in progress.
Parameter | |
fen | Optional String The Forsyth-Edwards Notation to import. If omitted, the classical starting position will be set. |
See the setFEN example.
setInfo(name, value)
Set an information and its value in the game. Replace the information if it already exists. Create a new one if not.
Parameter | |
name | String The name of the information to set. |
value | String The value of the information to set. |
Load a chessgame from a PGN string. This will replace the game in progress.
Parameter | |
pgn | String The Portable Game Notation to import. |
See the PGN viewer example.
Update the chessboard to a position in the game.
Parameter | |
index | Number The index of the desired position. It should be a positive integer. |
See the PGN viewer example.